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Download the New and Improved CSC Form 212 Revised 2017 - The Personal Data Sheet for Public Service


CSC Form 212 Revised 2017: What You Need to Know

If you are a government employee or an applicant for a government position, you may have heard of the CSC Form 212 Revised 2017. This is the official personal data sheet (PDS) that you need to fill out and submit to the Civil Service Commission (CSC) as part of your employment or application requirements. But what is this form exactly, and how do you fill it out correctly? In this article, we will answer these questions and more, so you can complete and submit your PDS with ease and confidence.

What is CSC Form 212 Revised 2017?

Definition and purpose of CSC Form 212 Revised 2017

CSC Form 212 Revised 2017 is the latest version of the personal data sheet (PDS) that was issued by the Civil Service Commission on April 6, 2017. It is a four-page document that contains the personal information, family background, educational background, civil service eligibility, work experience, voluntary work, training programs, and other information of a government employee or an applicant for a government position. The PDS is used by the CSC and other government agencies to evaluate the qualifications, skills, competencies, and potential of an employee or an applicant. It is also used for human resource planning, development, and management purposes.

csc form 212 revised 2017 download

Who needs to fill out CSC Form 212 Revised 2017?

All government officials and employees are required to fill out and submit two copies of their updated PDS to their agency's human resource management officer (HRMO) not later than April 30, 2017. This includes those who are under permanent, temporary, casual, contractual, or co-terminus status. Those who fail to comply with this requirement may face administrative sanctions or penalties.

Additionally, all applicants for a government position are required to fill out and submit one copy of their PDS together with their application letter and other supporting documents. This applies to those who are applying for civil service examinations, career service eligibility, or other special laws or regulations.

How to download CSC Form 212 Revised 2017?

You can download the CSC Form 212 Revised 2017 from the official website of the Civil Service Commission at . The PDS consists of two files: the Personal Data Sheet (CS Form No. 212 Revised 2017) and the Work Experience Sheet (CS Form No. 212 Attachment). You can download both files in PDF format.

How to How to fill out CSC Form 212 Revised 2017?

General instructions and tips for filling out CSC Form 212 Revised 2017

Before you start filling out your PDS, here are some general instructions and tips that you should follow:

  • Use black or blue ink only. Do not use pencil or any other color.

  • Write legibly and clearly. Avoid erasures or alterations. If there are errors, use correction tape or fluid.

  • Fill out all the fields and boxes. Do not leave any blank spaces. If the information is not applicable, write N/A.

  • Use the format prescribed by the CSC. Do not change the font, size, or layout of the PDS.

  • Indicate N/A if the required information is not applicable or unknown to you.

  • Do not sign and date the PDS until you are instructed by the HRMO or the authorized representative of the agency.

  • Attach a passport-sized photo taken within the last six months with a white background and a name tag. The name tag should indicate your surname, first name, and middle initial in black or blue ink.

  • Attach a photocopy of your valid government-issued ID with your signature and picture.

  • Attach the Work Experience Sheet (CS Form No. 212 Attachment) if you have more than 10 work experiences to declare.

  • Review your PDS carefully before submitting it. Make sure that all the information is true, accurate, and complete.

Step-by-step guide for filling out each section of CSC Form 212 Revised 2017

To help you fill out your PDS correctly, here is a step-by-step guide for each section of the form:

Section I: Personal Information

This section asks for your basic personal information such as your name, date of birth, place of birth, sex, civil status, citizenship, height, weight, blood type, GSIS ID number, PAG-IBIG ID number, PHILHEALTH number, SSS number, TIN number, agency employee number (if applicable), and contact details. Here are some tips for filling out this section:

  • Write your name in capital letters. Follow the order of surname, first name, middle name, and extension name (if any).

  • Write your date of birth in MM/DD/YYYY format. For example, 01/01/1990.

  • Write your place of birth as indicated in your birth certificate.

  • Check the appropriate box for your sex: male or female.

  • Check the appropriate box for your civil status: single, married, widowed, separated, or annulled.

  • Write your citizenship as indicated in your passport or ID. If you have dual citizenship, write both citizenships and indicate under what law you acquired them.

  • Write your height in meters and your weight in kilograms. For example, 1.70 m and 60 kg.

  • Write your blood type as indicated in your medical certificate or ID.

  • Write your GSIS ID number, PAG-IBIG ID number, PHILHEALTH number, SSS number, TIN number, and agency employee number (if applicable) as indicated in your respective cards or IDs.

  • Write your residential address and permanent address in full. Include the house/lot/block number, street name, subdivision/village name, barangay name, city/municipality name, province name, and ZIP code.

  • Write your telephone number (landline), mobile number (cellphone), and email address (if any). Use the format prescribed by the CSC. For example, (02) 123-4567 for landline, 0912-345-6789 for cellphone, and for email.

Section II: Family Background

This section asks for your family background such as your spouse's name (if married), occupation (if employed), employer/business name (if employed/self-employed), business address (if employed/self-employed), telephone number (if any), father's name (surname first), mother's maiden name (surname first), and children's names (surname first) and dates of birth (MM/DD/YYYY). Here are some tips for filling out this section:

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  • If you are not married or have no children, write N/A in the corresponding fields.

  • If you are married but separated or annulled from your spouse, write N/A in the spouse's occupation, employer/business name, business address, and telephone number fields.

  • If If you have more than six children, write the names and dates of birth of the first six children only. You can attach a separate sheet if you want to declare more children.

  • Write the names of your parents and children in capital letters. Follow the order of surname, first name, middle name, and extension name (if any).

  • Write the dates of birth of your children in MM/DD/YYYY format. For example, 01/01/2010.

Section III: Educational Background

This section asks for your educational background such as your level of education, name of school, degree/course, period of attendance (from MM/YYYY to MM/YYYY), highest level/units earned (if not graduated), year graduated (if graduated), and academic honors received (if any). Here are some tips for filling out this section:

  • Write your educational background in reverse chronological order. Start with the highest level of education that you have completed or are currently pursuing.

  • Include all the levels of education that you have attended or are currently attending, such as elementary, secondary, vocational/trade course, college, graduate studies, and doctoral studies.

  • Write the name of the school in full. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms.

  • Write the degree/course that you have completed or are currently pursuing. If you have not completed or are not pursuing any degree/course, write N/A.

  • Write the period of attendance in MM/YYYY format. For example, 06/2010 to 03/2014. If you are still attending the school, write the date when you started attending and write "to present" for the end date. For example, 06/2019 to present.

  • Write the highest level/units earned if you have not graduated from the school. For example, 3rd year college or 24 units. If you have graduated from the school, write N/A.

  • Write the year when you graduated from the school in YYYY format. For example, 2014. If you have not graduated from the school, write N/A.

  • Write the academic honors that you have received from the school, such as cum laude, dean's lister, best thesis, etc. If you have not received any academic honors from the school, write N/A.

Section IV: Civil Service Eligibility

This section asks for your civil service eligibility such as your career service/professional/subprofessional eligibility (if any), rating (if applicable), date of examination/conferment (MM/DD/YYYY), place of examination/conferment (city/municipality and province), license number (if applicable), and date of validity (MM/DD/YYYY). Here are some tips for filling out this section:

  • If you have more than one civil service eligibility, write them in reverse chronological order. Start with the most recent eligibility that you have obtained or conferred.

  • Write the career service/professional/subprofessional eligibility that you have obtained or conferred in full. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms.

  • Write the rating that you have obtained from the civil service examination in percentage format. For example, 85%. If you have obtained or conferred your eligibility through other means such as RA 1080, PD 907, CSC MC No. 11 s. 1996 Cat. II, etc., write N/A.

  • Write the date when you took the civil service examination or when your eligibility was conferred in MM/DD/YYYY format. For example, 03/12/2017.

  • Write the place where you took the civil service examination or where your eligibility was conferred in city/municipality and province format. For example, Quezon City, Metro Manila.

  • Write the license number that was issued to you by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) if your eligibility is based on RA 1080 or other laws requiring a license. If your eligibility is not based on RA 1080 or other laws requiring a license, write N/A.

  • Write the date when your license will expire in MM/DD/YYYY format. For example, 09/30/2023. If your license does not have an expiration date, write N/A.

Section V: Work Experience

This section asks for your work experience such as your inclusive dates of employment (from MM/YYYY to MM/YYYY), position title (write in full/ do not abbreviate), department/agency/office/company (write in full/ do not abbreviate), monthly salary (in Philippine peso), salary/ job/ pay grade (if applicable) & step (Format "00-0")/ increment (MM/YYYY), status of appointment, and government service (Yes/No). Here are some tips for filling out this section:

  • Write your work experience in reverse chronological order. Start with the most recent or current employment that you have or had.

  • Include all the work experience that you have or had, whether full-time, part-time, contractual, casual, permanent, temporary, co-terminus, or voluntary. Do not omit any relevant work experience.

  • Write the inclusive dates of employment in MM/YYYY format. For example, 06/2017 to 12/2019. If you are still employed in the same position, write the date when you started working and write "to present" for the end date. For example, 01/2020 to present.

  • Write the position title that you have or had in full. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms.

  • Write the department/agency/office/company that you have or had worked for in full. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms.

  • Write the monthly salary that you have or had received in Philippine peso. For example, 25,000. Do not include any allowances or benefits.

  • Write the salary/job/pay grade that you have or had in the format "00-0". For example, 15-1. If you do not have a salary/job/pay grade, write N/A.

  • Write the step/increment that you have or had received in MM/YYYY format. For example, 06/2019. If you do not have a step/increment, write N/A.

  • Write the status of appointment that you have or had in your position. For example, permanent, temporary, contractual, casual, co-terminus, etc.

  • Write Yes if your work experience is or was in the government service. Write No if your work experience is or was in the private sector or non-government organization.

  • If you have more than 10 work experiences to declare, use the Work Experience Sheet (CS Form No. 212 Attachment) and attach it to your PDS.

Section VI: Voluntary Work or Involvement in Civic / Non-Government / People / Voluntary Organizations

This section asks for your voluntary work or involvement in civic/non-government/people/voluntary organizations such as the name and address of organization (write in full/ do not abbreviate), inclusive dates of attendance (from MM/YYYY to MM/YYYY), number of hours (total), and position/nature of work. Here are some tips for filling out this section:

  • Write your voluntary work or involvement in civic/non-government/people/voluntary organizations in reverse chronological order. Start with the most recent or current involvement that you have or had.

  • Include all the voluntary work or involvement that you have or had, whether local, national, or international. Do not omit any relevant voluntary work or involvement.

  • Write the name and address of organization that you have or had volunteered for or been involved with in full. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms.

  • Write the inclusive dates of attendance in MM/YYYY format. For example, 06/2018 to 12/2018. If you are still involved in the same organization, write the date when you started attending and write "to present" for the end date. For example, 01/2019 to present.

  • Write the number of hours that you have or had spent in your voluntary work or involvement. For example, 50 hours. If you are still involved in the same organization, write the total number of hours that you have spent so far.

  • Write the position/nature of work that you have or had in your voluntary work or involvement. For example, volunteer teacher or project coordinator.

Section VII: Learning and Development (L&D) Interventions/Training Programs Attended

This section asks for your learning and development (L&D) interventions/training programs attended such as the title of learning and development interventions/training programs attended (write in full/ do not abbreviate), inclusive dates of attendance (from MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY), number of hours, type of LD (managerial/supervisory/technical/etc.), and conducted/sponsored by (write in full/ do not abbreviate). Here are some tips for filling out this section:

  • Write your learning and development (L&D) interventions/training programs attended in reverse chronological order. Start with the most recent or current L&D intervention/training program that you have or had attended.

  • Include all the L&D interventions/training programs that you have or had attended, whether local, national, or international. Do not omit any relevant L&D intervention/training program.

  • Write the title of learning and development interventions/training programs attended in full. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms.

  • Write the inclusive dates of attendance in MM/DD/YYYY format. For example, 03/01/2019 to 03/05/2019. If you are still attending the same L&D intervention/training program, write the date when you started attending and write "to present" for the end date. For example, 06/01/2019 to present.

  • Write the number of hours that you have or had spent in your L&D intervention/training program. For example, 40 hours. If you are still attending the same L&D intervention/training program, write the total number of hours that you have spent so far.

  • Write the type of LD that corresponds to your L&D intervention/training program. For example, managerial, supervisory, technical, etc.

  • Write the name of the entity that conducted or sponsored your L&D intervention/training program in full. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms.

Section VIII: Other Information

This section asks for your other information such as your special skills/hobbies, non-academic distinctions/recognition, membership in association/organization (write in full/ do not abbreviate), references (name/address/, and identification of relatives within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity/affinity in government (name/position/title/government office). Here are some tips for filling out this section:

  • Write your special skills/hobbies that are relevant to your position or application. For example, computer skills, language skills, sports skills, etc.

  • Write your non-academic distinctions/recognition that are relevant to your position or application. For example, awards, certificates, commendations, etc.

  • Write your membership in association/organization that are relevant to your position or application. Write the name of the association/organization in full. Do not use abbreviations or acronyms.

  • Write at least three references who can vouch for your character and competence. Write their name, address, and telephone number. Do not include relatives or friends as references.

  • Write the name, position/title, and government office of your relatives within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity/affinity who are working in the government. If you have no such relatives, write N/A.

How to submit CSC Form 212 Revised 2017?

Submission requirements and deadlines for CSC Form 212 Revised 2017

The submission requirements and deadlines for CSC Form 212 Revised 2017 vary depending on whether you are a government employee or an applicant for a government position. Here are some general guidelines for submission:

  • If you are a government employee, you need to submit two copies of your updated PDS to your agency's HRMO not later than April 30, 2017. You also need to submit one copy of your updated PDS to the CSC Regional Office where your agency belongs within 10 days after submission to your agency's HRMO. You also need to submit a soft copy of your updated PDS in Excel format to the CSC Regional Office where your agency belongs within 10 days after submission to your agency's HRMO. You can find the email addresses of the CSC Regional Offices at . Failure to comply with these requirements may result in administrative sanctions or penalties.

  • If you are an applicant for a government position, you need to submit one copy of your PDS together with your application letter and other supporting documents to the agency where you are applying. You also need to submit a soft copy of your PDS in Excel format to the same agency where you are applying. The submission deadline and email address of the agency may vary depending on their specific requirements and procedures. You can check their website or contact them directly for more information.

Where to submit CSC Form 212 Revised 2017?

The place where you need to submit your CSC Form 212 Revised 2017 depends on whether you are a government employee or an applicant for a government position. Here are some general guidelines for submission:

  • If you are a government employee, you need to submit your PDS to your agency's HRMO and to the CSC Regional Office where your agency belongs. You can find the address and contact details of your agency's HRMO from your agency's website or directory. You can find the address and contact details of the CSC Regional Office where your agency belongs at .

  • If you are an applicant for a government position, you need to submit your PDS to the agency where you are applying. You can find the address and contact details of the agency from their website or announcement. You can also check the CSC website at for the list of vacant positions in the government and their corresponding agencies.


CSC Form 212 Revised 2017 is the official personal data sheet that you need to fill out and submit if you are a government employee or an applicant for a government position. It is a four-page document that contains your personal information, family background, educational background, civil service eligibility, work experience, voluntary work, training programs, and other information. It is used by the CSC and other government agencies to evaluate your qualifications, skills, competencies, and potential. It is also used for human resource planning, development, and management purposes.

To fill out and submit your PDS correctly, you need to follow the general instructions and tips provided in this article. You also need to follow the specific guidelines for each section of the form. You need to write legibly and clearly, use black or blue ink only, fill out all the fields and boxes, use the format prescribed by the CSC, attach a passport-sized photo and a photocopy of your valid ID, review your PDS carefully before submitting it, and sign and date it when instructed by the HRMO or the authorized representative of the agency.

You also need to comply with the submission requirements and deadlines for your PDS depending on whether you are a government employee or an applicant for a government position. You need to submit two copies of your updated PDS to your agency's HRMO and one copy of your updated PDS to the CSC Regional Office where your agency belongs if you are a government employee. You need to submit one copy of your PDS together with your application letter and other supporting documents to the agency where you are applying if you are an applicant for a government position. You also need to submit a soft copy of your PDS in Excel format to the same agency where you belong or where you are applying.

You can download the CSC Form 212 Revised 2017 from the official website of the Civil Service Commission at . The PDS consists of two files: the Personal Data Sheet (CS Form No. 212 Revised 2017) and the Work Experience Sheet (CS Form No. 212 Attachment). You can download both files in PDF format.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about CSC Form 212 Revised 2017:

  • What is the difference between CSC Form 212 Revised 2017 and CSC Form 212 Revised 2005?

CSC Form 212 Revised 2017 is the latest version of the personal data sheet that was issued by the Civil Service Commission on April 6, 2017. It replaced the previous version of the personal data sheet, which was CSC Form 212 Revised 2005. The main difference between the two versions is that the CSC Form 212 Revised 2017 has more fields and boxes to fill out, such as the blood type, GSIS ID number, PAG-IBIG ID number, PHILHEALTH number, SSS number, TIN number, agency employee number, type of LD, and identification of relatives in government. The CSC Form 212 Revised 2017 also has a separate file for the Work Experience Sheet, which is used if you have more than 10 work experiences to declare.

  • Where can I get a copy of CSC Form 212 Revised 2017?

You can get a copy of CSC Form 212 Revised 2017 from the official website of the Civil Service Commission at . You can also request a copy from your agency's HRMO or from the CSC Regional Office where your agency belongs.

  • How do I edit or update my CSC Form 212 Revised 2017?

If you need to edit or update your CSC Form 212 Revised 2017, you can do so by filling out a new PDS with the updated information and submitting it to your agency's HRMO and to the CSC Regional Office where your agency belongs. You can also edit or update your PDS online using the Online Career Service Examination Result Generation System (OCSERGS) at . You will need your examination number and date of birth to access your PDS online. You can then print your updated PDS and submit it to your agency's HRMO and to the CSC Regional Office where your agency belongs.

  • How do I convert my CSC Form 212 Revised 2017 to Excel format?

If you need to convert your CSC Form 212 Revised 2017 to Excel format, you can do so by using an online PDF to Excel converter tool such as . You will need to upload your PDS in PDF format and then download it in Excel format. You can then edit or save your PDS in Excel format as needed.

  • How do I sign and date my CSC Form 212 Revised 2017?

You should not sign and date your CSC Form 212 Revised 2017 until you are instructed by the HRMO or the authorized representative of the agency where you are submitting your PDS. You should sign and date your PDS in black or blue ink only. You should sign and date your PDS on the fourth page under the certification statement. You should also affix your right thumb mark on the space provided. You should write your date of signing in MM/DD/YYYY format. For example, 06/20/2023.



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